Senin, 12 Januari 2015

Differences, uniquely ways, some things that un-acceptable, some things that called weird, un-usual, they called it weirdo. I'm a weirdo. 
Talking about what happened on the sociality around me, its hard to make some compliments of what would i write about them. I'm not saying that i am not one of those people who got so attractive or excited about what would happen on the sociality. The social medias, brought so many people into them impacts. Its not so hard to knowing what everyone's doing on their life. Sociality made them easier. Sociality made them to not be a secret thing anymore. Its a wild wild world, a wild generation. There are no more privacy, crimes came over the places, and more people get hurt, aren't they?
Mereka, yang mengakui (secara tidak langsung) bahwa mereka hebat, yea, their achievements, their successfully life, mereka yang sangat ingin diakui. Mereka, yang menginginkan sebuah hal yang membuat mereka nyaman, dengan cara memaksa (secara tidak langsung) dan pada akhirnya membuat setiap orang mengerti, that those things were the answers. 
Ketidakpastian akan adanya sebuah keberadaan, pengakuan, kemampuan. Lalu seiring berjalannya waktu, bertambahnya berbagai kemudahan, mereka memanfaatkan semua itu. Hanya untuk kepuasan, kepuasan diri, kepuasan batin. Mereka mengatakan bahwa hal itu biasa, hal itu sudah sesuai dengan jaman modern yang ada saat ini. Hahaha, lalu mereka melanjutkannya. 
They have their own pride of themselves. And then once again, i'm such a freak. They didn't got it. Bahkan hanya untuk menerima, bukan untuk memahami. Then i'm such a super loneliness person that sometimes, i need somebody else, but then sometimes, i'm glad to just being me. 
Sociality forced everyone around them, to be happy, to be sad, to be either of them, to be confusing, to be love, to be loved, to be need, to be needed, to be anything. The socialities, everyone look up for it. Me, i'm kind of living on the very weird situation of being like everyone else. I don't know, its like... being on your own is so so so much better, but then you have to realize once more, life is getting hard. The fact that We need people. 

Sabtu, 03 Januari 2015

A 12years-movie-making

This movie is insane. Totally insane. 

I've watched a movie called Boyhood yesterday, and i'm like... can't even stop to thinking and remembering every parts of the scene, every parts of how the characters grown up, how this insanely movie was ever created. 
So, the movie was like a simply reality movie has ever made. It took 12 years to making this movie, yeah that's insane. So startin from the Mason, the boy who was simply living his life. From his childhood, he was an ordinary kid who had a sister and parents that divorced. He lived with his sister and mom and some weekends lived with their dad, i mean this movie is trying to tell us what actually happened with an unperfectly family, yeah with divorce parents. Then i watched how Mason grown up, when he was just a little kid, and with a simply mind, video games, hating homeworks, then as the time goes he changed his hair-styles, his music-styles, his interest for something, his kind of styles like piercing, gets some acnes for a teenage-life. I mean that's all like a realistic life that showed us how times get so quickly change. How a person growing up with a lot of changes, with a lot of troubles behind, how dreams are making, how then suddenly we realized for something that really become our future. 
Its definitely a good movie, really good movie. Then it gets me to realized how i've been grown up until this freaking time. I mean its been 18 years for me to living a life, i remembered when i was like Mason's ages, what i did back then. Its funny how life is so quickly changes. How things are changing day by day, year by year, i mean have we ever imagine it? 
It's already a third days of 2015, a 3 of 365 pages, and there will be so many things could happen next. Well, i think this movie gets me to realized what the point of life. Life is a place that makes us living. Just simply living your life as you can, let it goes by. Time is just a thing that makes us older. It's all depends how we live, how we do on this fucking life. Then enjoy every minutes of it, because you can never get it back. Let every dreams built in yourselves. 

"You know how everyone's always saying seize the moment? I don't know, I'm kind of thinking it's the other way around, you know, like the moment seizes us."
(Boyhood, 2002-2014 of making)

Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014

h e l l o

Jadi... sebenernya blog ini adalah blog lama saya yang sebelumnya dipenuhin sama berbagai hal random, dari mulai curhatan mengenai kehidupan pribadi, tentang Indonesia, Politik, dan semacamnya lah. Then... i'm gonna start the new one!
I'm gonna make some experiences yang lebih berbau Arts dan ya i wish i could make a good one!

Pseudologia Fantastica - Foster The People